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Here you will find answers to many questions asked by Expedite Base/MVS users. Click a question to view the answer.
Go to a printable version of this page that lists both the questions and their answers.
How do I send files?
How do I receive files?
Why didn't I get my mail?
What if there is no record of my file?
Why didn't my trading partner get the mail I sent?
How can I tell if errors are generated by Expedite Base/MVS or Information Exchange?
How do I resolve EDI alias errors?
Why am I getting parser errors (14020-15040) even though my profile and message commands look fine?
Why does Expedite Base/MVS terminate with error code B37 even though the data set size is large enough to handle the data?
Can I override write-to-operator (WTO) messages?
What is Notification Manager?
What region size should I use when running my Expedite Base/MVS job?