Technical Bulletins |
Messaging impact due to withdrawal of support for Expedite
for Windows software package.
Date posted: November 2007
Technical Service Bulletin (GXS-AM 071113-01)
GXS Operations Center
5PM ET Thursday, November 15, 2007
Customers affected: Users of the Information Exchange
(EDI) application using Expedite for Windows to connect,
send, and receive data.
Note: Customers who are using PC-based Expedite
Base software packages are not impacted.
Expedite for Windows was provided as a way to connect to
the Information Exchange messaging service. To continue
the exchange of documents with your trading partners via
Information Exchange, users will need to upgrade to Expedite
Base for Windows 4.7.2, or begin using the TCP/IP FTP gateway
for the Internet.
As your technology partner, we are committed to facilitating
a simple, trouble-free upgrade to a current, available PC-based
alternative. Upgrade steps are detailed below. Dedicated
professionals are available to provide assistance should
users encounter questions or problems during the upgrade
Upgrade Alternatives
Expedite Base Upgrade Steps
- Verify Information Exchange Mailbox credentials (IE
Account, UserID , Password). This may be verified in the
current version of Expedite for Windows under Settings
- Information Exchange Mailboxes. There maybe more than
one IE Account and UserID being used, so special attention
for multiple users within the new command files will be
needed. If the IE password is encrypted, a new password
may need to be set.
- If previously a valid PKI certificate was utilized for
the applicable Information Exchange Account and UserID
in Expedite for Windows, the associated KDB and STH files
may be transferred into the Expedite source directory.
" If a new certificate is desired, contact the IE Help
Desk at 877-326-6426 or send an email to ECOMMREQ@GXS.COM.
- Download Expedite Base for Windows 4.7.2 https://www.gxsolc.com/public/EDI/us/support/Downloads/downloads_index.html.
This package can be installed without first removing the
older Expedite for Windows installation. It is suggested
the Expedite for Windows software be retained until Expedite
Base is fully implemented. Users should review the Readme
file at the completion of the install Also for reference
is the Expedite Base for Windows 4.7.2 manual available
at https://www.gxsolc.com/public/EDI/us/support/Library/LibraryIndex.htm.
- Retain configuration details from your current Expedite
for Windows setup: Review for multiple projects, assess
the Address Book for trading partners, aliases, payment
levels, message classes and associated Distribution Lists.
Copy all files with a .tbl extension from your
\exp6\shared directory to the new \expedite source directory.
- Determine if Expedite for Windows currently interacts
with a third party application (scheduled, translator)
to evaluate compatibility
For assistance, please contact GXS Information Exchange
Support at 877-326-6426 or send an email to ECOMMREQ@GXS.COM.
Geography |
Withdrawal Date |
All |
February 15, 2008 |