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Technical Bulletins

Data Transliteration

Date posted: June 7, 2010 (Original)

Technical Service Bulletin (GXS-AM 100706-01)
GXS Operations Center
10:00AM ET Friday, June 18, 2011


Customers affected: Customers that have hardcoded EDI characteristics in their translator or have other character restrictions in their environment that may experience difficulty translating data after this change. This change will have no impact on the majority of our customers.

Currently, outside VANS have two interconnect gateways to GXS – one into GXS TGMS and one into GXS Information Exchange (IE), formerly the IBM Advantis VAN. As part of GXS’ continuing effort to unify our customers into a single environment, we are consolidating these interconnect gateways.

During this transition, GXS will discontinue the transliteration of data as it enters our network. Transliteration was implemented many years ago on the GXS Information Exchange (IE) interconnect gateway for legacy reasons related to former dial communications methods and mainframe character set requirements. In our enhanced environment, we are now able to pass data through an Interconnect, just as it was originally sent, without the need for transliteration. The EDI data standards are built on the principle that the position-based EDI header will provide a customer’s translator with the information needed to translate the document.

Note that we have encountered a very small number of situations where customers have hardcoded EDI characteristics in their translator or have other character restrictions in their environment that may experience difficulty translating data after this change.

If you encounter this or another issue you think may be related to this consolidation, please notify us at the number below.

This change will be phased in over the next few months
Additional Information

For assistance, please contact our Client Services Support team at ECOMMREQ@GXS.COM or 877-326-6426.


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