As part of our ongoing commitment to service excellence,
GXS will be fully integrating the former IBM USA IE Service
into GXS. The changes are part of an extensive program of
service improvements as GXS upgrades the service to modern
facilities. These changes will include a move to new dedicated
hardware and an upgraded network solution with additional
The integration of the USA IE Service into GXS may require
you to make a change to your current connectivity set-up,
which will need to be completed by 7 October 2007.
Expedite Base/400 SNA customers will not be able to connect
to the new service and will need this Expedite Base/400
4.6.2 PTF/refresh package prior to the above date. If you
do not have this PTF once the new service is in place, your
connection will fail with the Expedite 29980 error message,
and CPF512A in your job log.
PTF/refresh 4.6.2 also includes the changes from 4.6.1
which rebranded the product from IBM to GXS.
New Customers:
If you are a new customer, install the package following
the instructions in the Programming Guide, or the installation
instructions on the GXS website.
Customers Requiring Only the PTF/refresh:
DO NOT overwrite your existing Expedite Base/400 libraries,
if you are a current Expedite Base/400 customer. If you
only want the PTF/refresh, you will still follow the installation
instructions in the Programming Guide or the installation
instructions on the GXS website, but it is highly recommended
to make a backup of your existing Expedite Base/400 libraries
before you begin the download. It is only absolutely necessary
to replace object IEBASER in the EXPBLIBR program library.
If you need further assistance, please Contact