Technical Bulletins |
Expedite Program Operating System Support Update
Date posted: 28 January 2002
Customers Affected: All Information Exchange customers
using Expedite(TM) Base/MVS(TM) 4.5 and Expedite Base/400
4.5 licensed programs.
This Technical Bulletin contains information regarding
a program temporary fix (PTF) JN00613 for Expedite Base/MVS
4.5, and updated information regarding the operating system
release platforms for the selected Expedite products highlighted
in this document.
Expedite Base/MVS 4.5 -- PTF JN00613
PTF JN00613 for Expedite Base/MVS 4.5 will be available
on or after July 13, 2001. This PTF is tested on both OS/390(R)
2.7 and OS/390 2.10 and contains the following program fixes:
- If the LINK parameter value is set to "N"
when using systems network architecture (SNA) communication,
the Link trace will no longer be generated.
- An OC4 ABnormal END was fixed to correct when a null
character appeared in the QUALTBL entry and the IOFILE
value was set to "Y" on the Trace command.
- When a D37 (out of space) condition occurs on the close
of the received data file during Session Level Recovery,
the session will be terminated abnormally, and the file
residing in Information Exchange will be kept for a second
- Expedite Base/MVS was corrected to freepool the buffers
associated with a partition data set (PDS), because the
program would sometimes ABnormalEND with an 878 ABnormalEND
code after the number of open PDSs caused the region size
to be exceeded.
- Users in the United States may
Us to obtain PTF JN00613.
Expedite Base/MVS 4.5 -- Operating System Support Update
Expedite Base/MVS 4.5 is supported on OS/390 2.10. No
program update is necessary for this support. Expedite Base/MVS
4.5 is supported on the following operating system releases:
- OS/390 2.6
- OS/390 2.7
- OS/390 2.10 (newly added)
Expedite Base/400 4.5.1 -- Operating System Support
A new maintenance release of Expedite Base/400 4.5.1 is
supported on OS/400(R) 4.5 and will be available on or after
August 17, 2001. Users who need to run Expedite Base/400
on OS/400 4.5 are required to replace their prior release
of Expedite Base/400 with the new maintenance release by
downloading from the following area.
United States users experiencing difficulty while downloading
Expedite Base/400 4.5.1 from the Web site can Contact
Us. Users can obtain additional information by clicking
on "Expedite family" in the products
and services section.
you need further assistance, please Contact
Us. |
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